I don't really know who looks at my blog but my motivation to join was to keep up with my high school friends because I MISS THEM!
Lately I've been eating, going to the beach, hanging out with friends randomly. Oh and also in my free time I STUDY! haha surprisingly. My anatomy and physiology class at ELAC is challenging and I love it. I thought classes at community colleges are suppose to be easier than high school but not this class. Apparently the professors that been getting laid off at top University's are starting to teach at Cal State's and CC's. My professor in chemistry last quarter use to teach at UCI. So yes I love my anatomy and physiology class at 7-10am. I think my strengths are in understanding the functions of the heart and brain. The classes that I liked the most and got the best scores in were brain dysfunction and cognitive neuroscience. I never really cared about science, yea my ap bio class teacher was BORING and EVIL, but having a professor explain a function or system makes the learning process easier because they are actually experts and researchers in the field and their passion shows. Anyways on to more interesting thoughts
Ok on to FOOD!
Last week I went with my sister and Daigo to MAKO! Go yelp it! It was amazing! THE BEST SUSHI IN TOWN. The fish was fresh, the tako and sea urchin were almost moving because they were so fresh. The sashimi really melts in your mouth. The last time I had good sashimi was when my dad went on a fishing trip and brought home yellow tail. The table behind us bought four trays of sashimi priced at $30 each. It's not all you can eat but, if youre looking for quality sushi it's the best place.
I went to the LA BBQ festival and ATE THE BEST BBQ in TOWN
The bbq place is called BABY BLUES BBQ. Try the memphis style ribs and mac and cheese. The mac and cheese was sooooo good. It's homestyle or paula dean style haha.
Yea, me and daigo are turning in fatties but, I'm planning on taking up skim boarding and as soon as I get a job probably a pass to 24.
I wish I had photos of food with my nikon D40 but here are some photos to enjoy!
Bear in mammoth. In the parking garage!
me and the friend

my dad and his favorite place to be